CMMS Trends in 2024: A Deep Dive into the Future of Maintenance Management

CMMS Trends in 2024: A Deep Dive into the Future of Maintenance Management

Although predicting the future is impossible, there is consensus that by studying current trends, we can be better prepared for what’s to come.

In the world of computerised maintenance management software (CMMS), trends are an important part of understanding and anticipating change to enable organisations to prepare for them.

In this article, we cover some of the most important CMMS trends in 2024 to give you an overview of what to expect and what decisions you should make when implementing CMMS software.

Let’s dive in.

CMMS Trends in 2024: A Deep Dive into the Future of Maintenance Management

CMMS Trends and Stats in 2024 [Key Takeaways]

Looking at the CMMS software trends and numbers, we see a growing trajectory of CMMS software in the next few years. Here is some research to back this up:

  • The global CMMS software market size is expected to reach an impressive $1.2 trillion by the end of 2024 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) at an average of 8% to 10%.
  • Today's market share data indicates that around 66% of teams use a global CMMS to track their maintenance programmes, as the market is expected to grow.
  • Although North America is expected to be the largest CMMS market in the near future, Asia is considered the fastest-growing market with a strong market outlook over the next five to 10 years.

General CMMS Market Trends

Some of the overarching CMMS trends to look out for in the future include the following:

Preventive maintenance

Over the next 10 years, preventive maintenance is expected to take centre stage. Although the purpose behind preventive maintenance is the same, namely to decrease downtime, increase asset lifespans, cut costs, boost productivity and raise safety, it will play an ever more important role in maintenance tasks through condition-based monitoring.

Predictive maintenance

Aimed at reducing downtime and improving equipment safety and reliability, predictive maintenance aims to determine when a machine might fail to schedule asset management and maintenance before the failure occurs preemptively. The predictive maintenance market, in particular, is expected to exceed the $9.15 billion mark this year and reach $79.9 billion in the next 10 years.

Following this trend, learn more about the predictive maintenance challenges manufacturers might face when applying it in real conditions.

Safety in the workplace

welding safety
We expect the heightened focus on safety to continue through the use of accurate facility management. With the right CMMS data, it will be possible to help your team stay safer by carrying out work order management tasks and maintenance activities at appropriate times, improving the compliance of your safety teams and contributing to a safer workplace.

Advanced analytics

Although many CMMS software systems already do offer reporting and analytics functionalities, these are expected to become much more advanced in the future. The purpose will be to drive decision-making, increase efficiency in identifying trends and patterns and facilitate better forecasting.

A focus on sustainability

Reducing organisations’ environmental impact will continue to play a huge role in how business is done. CMMS software is an essential tool for tracking and helping organisations reduce their environmental footprint, i.e., through reduced reliance on paper. However, this can also be done through tools that monitor energy use and those that identify opportunities to conserve resources.


Cybersecurity is going to continue to be a major factor in CMMS implementation and use, CMMS systems contain sensitive and private organisational information that should be secure and encrypted. Application programming interface (API) is another way to boost security when importing data, streamlining supply orders, doing inventory control and other maintenance operations.

CMMS Buying Trends

CMMS buying trends focus on what type of CMMS software organisations are purchasing. It is commonly accepted that the following CMMS functionalities will play a rising role in purchasing decisions.

Managing inventory

Modern CMMS systems have made inventory management of spare parts and analysis easier than ever. In fact, when you use CMMS software, you can immediately gain insights into low stock levels and then work on building them up to prevent shortages and costly downtime.

Integration with business apps

Previously, CMMS software was seen as a standalone system, but today it can be integrated with multiple business applications. An example of this is integration with your accounting software.

In the future, this trend is expected to continue rising due to the introduction of a more holistic ecosystem to manufacturing plants’ operations, thus resulting in greater operational efficiency. Some apps that could be integrated into a CMMS include human resources information systems, customer relationship management and others.

Rising reliance on cloud-based systems

The incorporation of cloud-based CMMS systems means that manufacturing plants will be able to enjoy convenience, flexibility, cost-effectiveness and other benefits as opposed to on-premise systems. Often, on-premise systems require regular maintenance and software upgrades. With cloud-based systems, this challenge is eliminated as these tasks can be carried out from any location.

The rise of mobile devices

The ability to use a CMMS on the go through a smartphone helps technicians easily access work orders, browse equipment history and make real-time updates on maintenance records from any location. This aids in improving communication between team members.


CMMS Trends in Manufacturing

Manufacturing CMMS trends will include the rapid adoption of technology to streamline business operations. Some of the ways this will be achieved include:

Improved UX through dashboards, user interfaces and languages

Interfaces continue to evolve at lightning-fast speed, meaning that users/your maintenance teams can use them more efficiently, with fewer keystrokes, more intuitively and faster for greater productivity. This can also include added value such as compatibility with other languages in addition to a streamlined user experience (UX).

The rise of QR codes

A CMMS can also incorporate QR codes or barcodes. When scanned into the system, they indicate when spare parts or inventory are running low and need to be replenished. It is also possible to scan a QR code on a machine to determine a work order’s type or priority status to access and arrange maintenance information more efficiently.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT)


The use of AI in CMMS systems will continue to rise as it helps remove uncertainties from maintenance planning. Smarter machines can send real-time data to prevent unexpected failures. This can be achieved through machine learning (ML) and the collection of large datasets.

The integration of technologies like PLC in manufacturing and smarter IoT machines is playing a significant role in enhancing maintenance planning.

Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR)

These technologies are increasingly being used in CMMS solutions as part of improving training and support for maintenance teams. Such technologies assist you in improving collaboration with experts and facilitate remote support.

Benefit From the Use of CMMS Software With Fabrico

There is a growing need for manufacturing maintenance digitalisation because it is helpful for plants and factories. With Fabrico’s CMMS, you can enjoy benefits including:

  • Reduced asset downtime and a significant cut in costs
  • Mobile capabilities
  • Synchronisation with your accounting software
  • Managing inventory and spare parts
  • Seamless issuing of work orders
  • And so much more

If you are still looking for the right CMMS solution, Fabrico has the answers you need. Simply get in touch with our team to help you find the right solution for your organisation’s needs.


Staying updated on CMMS trends is the best way to ensure you pick the right solution for your organisation.

When looking at different CMMS software solutions to help you remain competitive, think about aspects such as technological advancements, functionalities and capabilities to optimise your operations.


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