Fabrico: Optimization of resources and operating time in confectionery factory

Fabrico: Optimization of resources and operating time in confectionery factory

In a dynamic and highly competitive environment such as the present, it is time to pay attention to resource optimization. Did you know that between 5 and 15% of a plant's production capacity is lost due to unplanned non-operational time? Optimizing this capacity is an opportunity to increase the competitive prices of production. Fabrico is a software that works in this direction, combining the capabilities of reactive, preventive and predictive service.

We present you another successful implementation of Fabrico, which shows the need to optimize the operating time:

The Client: Confectionery factory

The case: The repair and assembly center (RMC) of the plant included 1 manager and 16 technicians. The methodology of work approved by the auditors under ISO was based on an annual service plan, and the activities performed on it was registered in a notebook in the office of the head of the RMC. All tasks of the other technicians were taken over and reported orally. The need for the introduction of Fabrico had arisen at a time when a key production machine worth several million euros had failed and its warranty was not recognized because regular greases had been omitted.

Fabrico: Optimization of resources and operating time in confectionery factory


The factory team sees the main advantages of Fabrico in several ways:

  • Optimization of machine operating time
  • Increasing the production capacity and operating time of the machines by 10% for 6 months
  • Clearer communication of tasks to the technical department
  • Clarity and control for management

Fabrico is a cloud service based on modules, which allows each installation to be individualized to the specific needs of each customer. If you still do not have such a solution in your production, you can contact us.


The production manager was a young man with experience in digital technology and he really liked the application. There were clear requests for changes so that we could adapt the software to the production structure, actively involving the operators in the creation, but also in the reporting of the tasks. The head of the RMC initially had concerns about the use of a telephone. During the first demonstration of the Drag&Drop function of tasks in a phone, allowing one-click synchronization of the work plan of RMC with the production, the only question he asked our team was: “Can you check if it works well on my phone, it’s Huawei. Will it work?”

In order to facilitate the technicians, who until now did not report tasks, in the meantime, the head of the RMC used the function for printing the work cards, which he handed over to the technicians on paper. However, anyone who wished could voluntarily switch to self-reporting from their phone or tablet at the factory. In this way, neither team had the opportunity to move smoothly to the new technology and have time to get used to it, without leading to gaps in information.


In a dynamic and highly competitive environment such as the present, it is time to pay attention to resource optimization. Did you know that between 5 and 15% of a plant's production capacity is lost due to unplanned non-operational time? Optimizing this capacity is an opportunity to increase the competitive prices of production. Fabrico is a software that works in this direction, combining the capabilities of reactive, preventive and predictive service.

We present you another successful implementation of Fabrico, which shows the need to optimize the operating time:

The Client: Confectionery factory

The case: The repair and assembly center (RMC) of the plant included 1 manager and 16 technicians. The methodology of work approved by the auditors under ISO was based on an annual service plan, and the activities performed on it was registered in a notebook in the office of the head of the RMC. All tasks of the other technicians were taken over and reported orally. The need for the introduction of Fabrico had arisen at a time when a key production machine worth several million euros had failed and its warranty was not recognized because regular greases had been omitted.

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