Generate QR codes for machines

User friendly graphics, tables and trend visuals give a full picture of your plant. Downtime and number of stoppages are just part of the graphs you can find in the Analytics section.

Generate QR codes for machines
Use your mobile device to scan the QR code of spare parts or machines.

No need for special QR code scanner when you have your phone with you in the plant. Use the QR code scan shortcut directly in the Task Creation screen.

Use your mobile device to scan the QR code of spare parts or machines.
Faster Task Creation

QR code scanning functionality is embedded directly in the Task Creation screen of Fabrico mobile application. Using it, will guarantee that no errors will occur when populating the Machine field.

Faster Task Creation


Do I need a barcode scanner to use this functionality?

You don`t need a specific device to use the QR scanning functionality. You can simply use your mobile pohone camera.

Can Fabrico generate QR codes?

Yes, you can generate QR codes for machines, assets and materials.

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European Union
Operational program
Fund of funds
ISO 9001
ISO 27001
ISO/IEC 20000-1
ISO 20000-1
Awarded by Forbes
SAP Silver partner
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